Action for Healthy Kids Parent Leadership Series Webinars
Sign up at: Sept 18, 2013, 2:00pm ET; 1:00pm CT; 12:00noon MT; 11:00am PT(60 min) Making the Case for School Wellness Before telling your school community what to change and how to do it, you have to give them the “why.” Learn how to build awareness, support, and momentum for creating healthier school environments by talking about the obesity crisis, reviewing current school customs, and sharing best practices and success stories. Learn how to answer common questions and concerns about your school wellness initiatives. Oct 1, 2013, 4:00 pm ET; 3:00 pm CT; 2:00 pm MT; 1:00 pm PT (60 min) How to Work with Schools & School Wellness Policies 101 What is the best approach for accomplishing your school wellness goals? Who’s who at your school? How do school wellness policies work, and how can you make yours more effective? To become a successful advocate for healthy schools, you need to have some basic information about how school systems work and how school wellness policies can help you to achieve your goals. Oct 17, 2013, 3:00 pm ET; 2:00pm CT; 1:00pm MT; 12:00pm PT (75 min) Building a Wellness Team, Assessing your School’s Wellness Environment & Developing an Action Plan Do you need a wellness team to be effective? Wellness teams come in many shapes and sizes. Learn how to build a team that will best meet your goals. Before you know where you want to go, you have to understand where you are. Learn about different types of school health assessment tools and how they can help move your efforts forward. What should you consider when creating an action plan for your project? This webinar covers goal-setting, timelines, your budget, tracking progress and planning for sustainability. Oct 29, 2013, 1:00 pm ET; 12:00pm CT; 11:00 am MT; 10:00 am PT (75 min) How to Create a Healthier School Food Culture The school food culture goes way beyond the cafeteria. Children need to learn how to make healthy choices from the minute they walk in the school’s front door to the minute they leave at the end of the school day – and beyond. Nov 12, 2013, 3:00 pm ET; 2:00 pm CT; 1:00 pm MT; 12:00 pm PT (75 min) How to Add More Activity into the School Day Experts recommend that kids get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. There are many opportunities for physical activity during the school day. How can parents help promote and support more movement in the classroom, on the playground and beyond? Dec 4, 2013, 2:00 pm ET; 1:00 pm CT; 12:00 pm MT; 11:00 am PT (75 min) School Meals: Challenges and Opportunities Many parents become involved in the school wellness movement to improve school meals. Positive change is happening in districts all across the country due to the efforts of dedicated food service personnel, non-profit and foundation support, school food advocates, and recent changes in legislation and school food nutrition standards. Learn about national school meal programs, the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, and how parents can best collaborate with nutrition services to create healthier school food environments.
Below is a link to the frequently asked questions regarding PTA's new member benefit with STAPLES. Make sure and follow the directions once you have activated you PTA membership. Start saving today! ![]()
Here is the 2013-14 Council calendar of events. ![]()
Region 6 is planning a September Saturday moring PTA and the Law in Seattle and first week of November evening training in Bothell.
Here are some outside of Region 6 opportunities to complete your PTA and the Law requirement. PTA and the Law Region 2 Monday, Sept. 9 and Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Lake Washington School District Resource Center in Redmond Town Center. These will both be morning presentations. Region 7 Thursday, October 3rd from 4:30pm – 9:00pm at Explorer Middle School in Mukilteo The WORKS clothing store will open it's doors to Shoreline School District Families on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30pm.
AuthorShoreline PTA Council Archives
May 2016